Saturday, September 19, 2009


Originally uploaded by Gregory Roth
September 19, 2009 - Dave's Popcorn

Dave's Popcorn sits on the corner of 38th St. and Longfellow Avenue in South Minneapolis and sells different varieties of popcorn May through October. It's been in this location since the 1960's and the signs in front shows it's age.

Since it looks like that place that time forgot, I thought I would do some PhotoShop work on it like a photograph taken in the 1960's or early 1970's. Perhaps with a Kodak Insamatic camera, 126 Film.

Basically I slightly desaturated the colors, added a yellow cast and increased the magenta a bit. Then blurred it enough to give it a softness overall finally cropped it to a square... tadaaaaaa. Vintage 1969.

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